Thursday, February 19, 2009

A God Given Friend

A few months ago we were on our way to do some errands and came fifteen minutes too early to the mall. To be effective we decided to walk over to the super market. On the way there both of us sensed that we should go back and see if there were anyone we could talk with. When we came back to the mall a well dressed young man stood there on his own. He didn't look like a Thai so we asked where he came from. He shared some of his life story, that he was from Bhu*tan and that he had worked here in Bangkok for the last three years. When he asked us, we told him that we are here to start LifeCenter International Church and immediately he said he would like to come some time. A year earlier some missionaries had given him a tract about Jesus on the skytrain.

Since then we have met a just a few times but yesterday we had a wonderful time together in our living room. We prayed a prayer together where he received the forgiveness of sins and gave his life to Jesus. He is a talented and very humble man. He has already become a dear friend to us. Right now he is going through a tough time in his life. He has spent the last days on the hospital with his Thai father-in-law who has blood cancer. Please pray with us for him, his family and that the father-in-law would be healed in the name of Jesus. God hears prayers!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Celebrate Marriage!

On Valentine´s Day (in Sweden we call it "All Hearts Day") we had invited some friends to "Celebrate Marriage" with us. We had a great evening at Rossini´s restaurant, enjoying a first-class Italian dinner and good fellowship. Thank God for friends! All these couples are our valuable friends and we believe we all were encouraged as husbands and wives this evening.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When Jesus shows up

The two guys on the left came looking for us at the university today. The reason: They wanted to be saved. They have gone through some tough crisis and among other things they have lost relationships and jobs down in the south of Thailand. (The financial crises is affecting Thailand as well.) They came to Bangkok a few days ago in search for a new job and a new start in their lives. They ended up in our friend Chaart´s one-room apartment. He has been sharing Christ with them and last night one of them had a dream of how Jesus came to him.

So today we bought them a lunch and shared about God´s love. With tears in his eyes one of them shared his dream and then we just prayed together. Isn´t it wonderful how Jesus comes to us when we are in the crisis, and how he offers to carry all our troubles?
Please pray for Suu and Hard as they start their new life with Jesus and that they will get the right jobs. Pray for Chaart as he will guide them in their new life and that he also will get a good job.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ice Cream Party

This afternoon we had an Ice Cream Party for some of our friends at the Ramkhamhaeng University. So fun! We had our kids with us and they enjoyed the Ice Cream as well as the company of these wonderful young friends. Please pray for them. Some of them have already decided to follow Jesus but all of them are eager to learn more about Him.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

House of Grace

On Thursday, Daniel had the priviledge to go with Rev. Jörgen Algesund to an orphanage. Rev. Jörgen is a Swedish missionary who has been serving in this country in almost 50 years. Many of the Full Gospel pastors know him and regard him high as he has been a pioneer in theological training in Thailand. We are always encouraged to meet him and his wife Inger.

The orphanage we visited was a few hours drive from here. When we got there I was really moved in my heart for these children's situation. House of Grace is an orphanage for AIDS-affected children whose parents has died of this terrible disease and who have no one to take care of them. 30 girls and 27 boys. A 2-year-old boy had just arrived there, as old as our son Jonathan but already with this death sentence over his life.

Thank you Jesus for House of Grace and pastor Kitisak and his wife, who give their lives for these AIDS-affected children and widows. Read more at their website: